Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil
Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil
Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil

Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil

400 INR/Piece

Product Details:

  • Product Type Ayurvedic Product
  • Category Hair Care
  • Usage Personal
  • Ingredients Herbs
  • Form Oil
  • Grade A
  • Direction Apply directly to the scalp and work through the hair, massaging gently with fingertips. Keep the oil for 30 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo. For optimum results, keep the oil overnight on your hair and use it 2 to 3 times a week
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Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil Price And Quantity

  • 400 INR/Piece
  • 500 Bottle

Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil Product Specifications

  • Ayurvedic Product
  • 24 Months
  • Apply directly to the scalp and work through the hair, massaging gently with fingertips. Keep the oil for 30 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo. For optimum results, keep the oil overnight on your hair and use it 2 to 3 times a week
  • A
  • Herbs
  • Oil
  • Hair Care
  • Personal

Paras 26Herbs & 5Natural Oil Herbal Hair Oil Trade Information

  • 5000 Bottle Per Month
  • 10 Days
  • Yes
  • All India

Product Description


 Jatamansi,Vetiver(Khas),Hibiscus(Jasud),Curry Leaves,Heena,Ginger,Aloe-Vera,Onion,Amla,Fenugreek (Methidana),Bhingraj,Brahmi,BlackCumin (Kalonji),Black Indrajau(Dhudhelo),GreenGrass(Durva),Cloves,Flaxseed,Moringa, Camphor(Kapur),Rose,IndigoPowder,Dhatura,Neem Leaves, Tulsi Leaves,Rosemary,Coconut Oil, Sesame Oil,Almond Oil, Avocado Oil, Olive Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil,Lavender Essential

Made using thebest quality of Ayurvedic 26 herbs and cold processed oils. 100% NATURAL HAIROIL This hair oil helps in nourishing your hair and scalp, helps in controllinghair loss, removes dandruff, strengthens hair and promotes your hair growth. Itis a non-greasy hair oil, it absorbs quickly and gets absorbed into the scalpeasily.

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Apply directly to thescalp and work through the hair, massaging gently with fingertips. Keep the oilfor 30 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo. For optimum results,keep the oil overnight on your hair and use it 2 to 3 times a week.

WEIGHT- 200ML                                                                              

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