Amla Extract(Indian Gooseberry ), Reetha Extract(Indian Soapberry), Shikakai Extract,Hibiscus Extract, Aswangandha, Aloe Vera , Argan Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil,Tea Tree Essential Oil, Sesame Oil, Fragrance, , Cocamidopropyl Betaine, CocoBetain (Derived From Coconut Oil), Glycerin, Decyl Glucoside, Ethylene Glycol Monostearate , Peg 150, Fragrance,Polyquaternium-7, Cetrimonium chloride,Phenoxyethanol.
Paras Amla ReethaAnd Shikakai Hair Shampoo Contains The Best Ayurvedic Hair And Scalp CleansingHerbals That Result In Complete Hair Care. It Is Beneficial For All Hair Types.It Makes It The Most Effective Herbal Solution To Prevent Hair Fall, Reduce Dandruff,Prevent Hair Loss, Stimulate Hair GrowthAnd Smoothen It.
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Wet Your Hair AndScalp. Gently Massage The Shampoo With Your Fingertips. Wash It Off With NormalOr Lukewarm Water.